New Mexico

New Mexico

The New Mexico
Soccer Foundation

Our Mission

To Keep New Mexican Kids Healthy, Happy and Hopeful through the Practice of Competitive Soccer

ApplyDonateAbout us

Kickstart Donations at Rio Rapids Open!

Show your love for soccer and support a great cause! With a generous donation during the Rio Rapids Open, you can walk away with exclusive merchandise — Hats, stylish shirts, cool coolers, or even a sleek golf bag! These items are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Your donation not only gets you a unique keepsake but also contributes to our mission of empowering young soccer enthusiasts. Grab yours before they're gone!







Golf Bag


*items will be given out with the donation receipt or cash

Located Between Fields 3 & 6!

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                            <div class="fundraising-embeddable-widget-raized" style="display: none;">21% raised of $15,000 Goal</div>

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Of Donations go to scholarships

We have no overhead costs


scholarshipS awarded

Since our inception in 2007. Each player receives $300, paid directly to their club to cover club and coaching costs


300 thousand dollars

Have gone to deserving players in NM

Our Mission


A community where kids are participating in soccer is a healthier one. Kids succeed in life if they play sports. Kids thrive if they are living in community with others.


The mission of the New Mexico Foundation is to improve the lives of young New Mexicans through the practice of competitive soccer.


We envision a community where all kids, regardless of their families income benefit from the practice of competitive soccer. We envision a community where kids thrive from being placed in an environment where expectations are placed on them, where they are physically active and surrounded by their peers.

Our Partners

About Us

Ian Paul & Lara Patriquin


Ian Paul and Lara Patriquin established and managed the New Mexico Soccer Foundation between 2007 and 2022. Their efforts led to the contribution of over $300,000 to deserving young soccer players in New Mexico. The Foundation and the youth soccer players of the state extend their heartfelt gratitude to Ian and Lara for their unwavering commitment and dedication. Thank you both for making a lasting impact on the lives of so many young athletes in our community.

Devon Baird


Devon Baird, a native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been playing soccer for over 20+ years. During his youth, he competed at regional and national tournaments around the US. From 2016 to 2020, Devon played college soccer at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. In 2021, Devon took over his family's businesses, Vernon's Speakeasy and The Village Shops at Los Ranchos, and now serves as their owner and operator. He has also been coaching soccer in Albuquerque since 2021, working with Rio Rapids Soccer Club.